1. not knowing what the date is.
2. the smell of cinnamon.
3. watching E sleep on the video baby monitor.
4. crafts.
5. acknowledging that air-conditioning is a luxury.
6. pumpkin muffins and anything pumpkin this time of year.
7. searching baby halloween costumes and seeing all the cute ideas out there.
8. wearing the same outfit two days in a row because you didn’t put it away yesterday.
9. when my husband unpacks the dishwasher.
10. color coding my files at work.
1. Little Things being back!!! I’m so HAPPY about that!
2. Hot tub after an intense softball game – from Steven
3. My new water bottle
4. Showing your wedding dress to someone new.
5. Laying by the pool when it’s not crazy hot out.
6. Airports that have free wifi – from Steven
7. Getting ready for Halloween, we love October 1st! Bring on the pumpkin everything!
8. Attending church in the church you grew up in – Steven
9. E’s pouting lip when he is about to cry, sorry E boy, but it’s so cute!
10. Having Luke say “uncle Steven” when he sees a guy on TV with a guitar, even though we were not there to hear it.
Love Denise & Steven xx