1. happy 6th birthday will. thanks for being the guinea pig baby for all of us to learn from!!
2. my friend jenny sending this picture to remind me of a time when we used to be really fun. yes, they are wearing ties on their heads in the background.
3. my neighbor kim, who was there for me as i took E to the emergency room. she doesn’t skip a beat when offering help.
4. bouncy balls and the hours of entertainment they provide.
5. sitting at my neighbor’s softball practice with a cool breeze blowing and the kiddos playing nearby. a moment of peace.
6. successfully backing out of the garage and around keven’s car every day.
7. my nephews’ curls. little baby curly heads are the best.
8. thinking my work project would take three hours only to open it and discover it was half the length as usual.
9. my husband sending me this picture and saying it made him think of me.
10. rsvping for a wedding because weddings are so much fun!
I’m so sorry you had such a hard day! You would never notice to look at you, saw you later and you just kept smiling! You are a rock star! If you can find 10 in that mess, I guess I better try!Here I go:
1. My neighbors calling to check in on my little guy because he was sick.
2. 3 of my neighbors working out a plan to help watch my kids because I have to go out of town.
3. The effect Piglets Big Adventure movie has on my 3 year old! Instant happiness!
4. Target, need I say more?
5.Starbucks inside Target
6. The sweet girl I babysit always dancing in my kitchen in the morning.
7. Peanut butter & Jelly, sometimes it’s just delicious!
8. My son in his Cub Scout uniform.
9. Friends that you know will be forever friends no matter where you are.
10. My New sugar cookie recipe that turned out to be a keeper!
peanut butter and jelly…mmmmmmmmm.