1. setting my alarm early on purpose so i can wake up S·L·O·W·L·Y on my own terms.
2. NOT having to get three kids out the door at three different school start times – yay for summer!
3. taking 2 trips to donate things from our toy and basement purge – less clutter makes it so much easier to love our space and do what matters!
4. listening to E learn to play the guitar from an app he begged us to get him.
5. taking the girls to the pool.
6. sitting on the porch.
7. C’s snow boots that are on the porch in the middle of summer because she keeps putting them on when the grass is wet.
8. mixing fake flowers with my real flowers (shhhhh don’t tell) because it is so hard to keep full sun flowers alive.
9. our small plant nursery by our house and all the cute things in the shop.
10. neighbors that easily watch your kids for 30 minutes so you can go to said plant nursery and pick up a gift for a friend!