i read this question in my advent devotional on monday and i thought, perfect, i will answer this question and write down my thoughts to share for this week’s #NTLTwednesdayword. well, it’s wednesday. and the thoughts are still in my head.
when Jesus posed this question to his disciples, simon peter replied, you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. simon’s reply is, of course, all encompassing. God is God. but blanketed in that title are so many other answers to this question. these answers have been swirling in my head since monday, so i guess my devotional did its job. this is a much harder question to answer than i first thought.
it’s as if Jesus is saying to me…
in the quiet of your mind…
to your family and friends…
to strangers…
when your prayers are answered…
when your prayers feel unheard…
to your children…
through your actions…
when everything goes right…
when you are upset…
when you think of me, for any reason, at any time…
Who do you say that I am?
i don’t have my answer down on paper yet, but i will continue to ponder. as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and make resolutions and goals for the new year, i pass this question on to you. let the thought swirling begin.
Hi Erin! I need to reply more to your posts because I do read them every day. Today’s was inspiring! Send it to Aunt Susan for her birthday!
Lovely meditation. The thoughts are swirling. Thank you for the challenge.