thank you for your interest in my gram’s buttercream icing. i am telling you, you will not be disappointed. this is a family favorite, passed on by my mom’s mom. we called her gram and she loved her sweets more than anyone i’ve ever met. i’ve never met a single person, even non-icing lovers, who didn’t love this icing. as i type, i am dipping graham crackers in some i have leftover from cupcakes i made this weekend. true story.
one batch will ice about 15 cupcakes and cover a 9 x 13 cake. i usually double the recipe and then eat the leftovers {hence the graham crackers}.
1 stick of butter, cut into smaller pieces to make it easier to blend, but NOT SOFTENED. this is very important {can you tell from my capitals?}. don’t soften the butter. grab it right from the fridge.
2 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
a shake of salt
2 tablespoons of flour
2-3 tablespoons of milk. it doesn’t matter what kind of milk you use. i usually use skim. start with 2 tbsp. and then put in three if it is too thick.
this is so super simple. just put all of these ingredients in a tall bowl and blend together using a mixer. again, start with 2 tbsp. of milk and add a third if needed. i’ve made this recipe hundreds of times and sometimes i need 2 and sometimes i need 3. it’s weird. mix until all the butter chunks are made smooth. add food coloring if you want and then spread, decorate, or just eat it. happy baking!