“what would it look like for you to admit today what you are and are not made for?” last week, as i was reading my proverbs 31 devotional by shauna niequist, this question stood out to me. the devotional was on being who you are, the person God created you to be.
somedays i wish i was the woman i see on instagram with the perfect kitchen. i look around my own kitchen and instantly everything i liked before seems like it should be changed. other times, i want to be the woman in the grocery store with three kids in her cart, hair in perfect waves, dressed in an actual outfit. suddenly, the mom and wife i already am isn’t enough. maybe this is a struggle you share.
truthfully, when i really think about it and look at myself without comparison, i am happy. so why do i sometimes want to be more than myself? i think because i haven’t yet answered shauna’s question above, “what would it look like for {me} to admit today what {i am and am not} made for?” in my quest this year to just “be,” last week i was inspired to answer this question and work on just be-ing myself.
so here goes. i was not made to have good hair days without a lot of work. i was not made to have a corporate job with lunch breaks and meetings and long commutes. i was not made to be flexible and easygoing. i was not made to enjoy solitude. i was not made to be a morning person. i was not made to dress in an actual outfit every day. i was not made to be naturally patient or empathetic. i was not made to be especially tactful and i was not made to tolerate clutter. i was not made to love the cold, or germs, or to be good with growing things. i was definitely not made to be a good cook.
i was made to love friends and family and time with them. i was made for the husband i have and love. i was made to work with and love children. i was made to handle two of my own. i was made to love order and things in their place. i was made to love to talk. i was made to love all things crafty and creative. i was made to be friendly. i was made to be bossy and make decisions and appreciate honesty. i was made to enjoy decorating and projects and writing. most importantly, i was made to love God and to be me.
be yourself. that’s the challenge for this week. be able to admit today what you are and are not made for, and be yourself. happy be-ing you!
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noticed on january 25th, 2016
This is beautiful and amazing and made me tear up. I have been struggling more and more with this as each year passes and there seems to be more to compare my life to, but your words and honestly are so true and inspiring. I accept challenges well and am going to work on this. Thanks for sharing!!
thank you thank you dear friend. it was a eye opening post to write and i have to remind myself daily to remember what i am made for instead of what i am not!