1. happy birthday to my birthday twin friends abby and danielle. for so many reasons i will never forget your birthdays!
2. saving $3,000 in one morning. c’mon. you know you want to know how i did it. see LITTLE favorites for more.
3. new socks. and laughing out loud that i just followed “making $3,000 in one morning” with “new socks.” the LITTLE things take on all shapes and sizes. notice yours!
4. cleaning the kitchen sink so that it looks shiny new.
5. the million hugs i get from my nephews on mondays and tuesdays.
6. the sun. it came out today. finally. and it is supposed to stay!
7. watching E play basketball with his friends, and basketball goals in driveways.
8. living in a neighborhood.
9. pandora classical music for studying.
10. making a manageable to do list this morning and getting most of it done.