1. being by myself and forgetting our church activity bag and our church charts in the car and having well-behaved kiddos despite it all {guess the church chart has been doing its job}.
2. how fast our religious ed class flies by.
3. stumbling across LITTLE things lists from when noticing first began in 2002!
4. zip up sweatshirts.
5. ordering more pizza so we can have leftovers tomorrow.
6. watching E play flag football in the beautiful sunshine.
7. needing sunscreen!
8. bridesmaid dresses that you like.
9. my sister molly putting the kids down to bed for us.
10. sitting on the front porch.
1. The arms stretched out, baby horse-like walk that my baby is doing as he learns to walk
2. Laughing when I yell, “Kids! Time to come in for dinner!” because I think that is such an official and stereotypical mom thing to say.
3. Changing seasons of clothes and forgetting about some of the summer dresses I scooped up at the end of last season and haven’t worn yet
4. Taking a shower before bed so there’s less rush on work mornings
5. Keeping track of daily water intake and drinking more than my needed amount