1. painting K and my nails a matching aqua.
2. pushing K on the swing.
3. my new ring holder from my neighbor and friend mary.
4. riding down a hill on a bike.
5. super soft t shirts.
6. my teal porch chairs.
7. rain in the forecast that never really comes.
8. looking forward to picking out flowers for our front yard on saturday.
9. asking my mom for advice.
10. wainscoting.
1. A fun new curling iron!
2. Watching my son running into the church to say “HI” to Jesus!
3. Hanging with an awesome group of women every Thursday!
4. My world blending by having one of my very dear friends speaking at my meeting!!
I am in awe of you dear friend, you made it look effortless!!
5. Holding my Godson Xav!
6. A clean house courtesy of a cleaning crew!
7. Going for a walk in the woods to look for dinosaurs! Ha!
8. The rain coming moments after we came inside!
9. Watching my son and his friend playing fireman, sooooo darn cute!
10. My daughters excitement over going to take your daughter to work day with my husband. She was beaming as she carefully looked over the agenda my husband printed for her.
yay for the cleaning crew! thanks for making me be brave. you’re the best!