1. buds on the trees and no snow on the ground!
2. K remarking on our daffodils every time we pull in and out of the driveway. spring is so pretty.
3. finding room in the neighbor’s recycling bin for our extra things.
4. painting my nails hot pink and adding sparkles to my ring finger. you know. because i am so fashionable.
5. my parents driving to the place C and i are flying so i could put a bunch of stuff in their car.
6. finding my old peter rabbit dishes at my parents at just the time when K is so interested in peter rabbit!
7. K’s non-stop talk about her first sleepover on friday. so glad she is brave because i wouldn’t sleep over people’s houses forever when i was little!
8. hearing the birds chirp.
9. when someone has a stomach ache but it goes away instead of leading into some kind of sickness.
10. keven telling me that dinner smelled good as it was cooking.
So glad you found your Peter Rabbit place setting in our basement! Can’t wait to hear what K thinks of them!