1. short waits at an appointment.
2. K in her yellow rain jacket. be still my heart.
3. completing E’s first school project.
4. being able to stand in kristen’s garage on rainy day bus mornings.
5. E walking on the bus, without hesitation, and turning around to say “bye mom!”
6. keven lighting candles in the morning so the house smells good all day.
7. jumping in puddles.
8. surviving our first {minor} call from the school nurse.
9. new shoes.
10. date night and sitting outside to eat, followed by good friends and good conversation over wine.
1. Air conditioning
2. Birds out my window
3. School Shopping
4. Dropping something off at the junkyard
5. Wine on the back patio
6. Snail mail 🙂
7. Ice tea on a hot day
8. Learning about Jellyfish from a 3 year old, ha, I love the information they find important
9. Refunds!!! I know it was mine but I feel like its lottery money!
10. Alfredo sauce….