1. the rain holding off for our morning walk.
2. E’s seat changing on the bus so now he can wave bye to me from the window.
3. keven surprising me with dixie chicks tickets for our anniversary, and remembering how much i love that group!
4. bringing coffee to a meeting.
5. opening the blinds in the morning.
6. my mom always being so willing to watch the kids, and their complete and total excitement when they see her pull up.
7. headbands.
8. dancing.
9. close parking spaces.
10. the rain holding off for the concert.
1. Rice Crispy Treat Sushi, so fun!
2. A class picnic before school starts, what a great idea!!
3. Watching my daughter full of nerves but armed with a cool snack to make her feel brave walking up to make new friends! I love kids!
4. The teachers and principal at our new school going way out of their way to help us feel welcome.
5. Tall sunflowers
6. Portable speakers
7. Listening to my sister talk about taking her son to HIGH SCHOOL, the same one we went to! The memories!
8. Friends that can lift you up with a few words over text!
9. Starting something fun and hearing it will continue after you’ve moved away.
10. Text message cheers! It really is cheerful!