1. ignoring the million reasons why i shouldn’t do something and doing it anyways. tagging along on my husband’s work trip, despite the million logistics we had to work out, was completely worth it.
2. walking into a hotel room with a fresh clean bed and no laundry to do.
3. my parents, who make their house more fun than ours, so that our kids think sleepovers with grandparents are the absolute best!
4. listening to adult music, and time with just keven in the car.
5. when you beat the ETA on the GPS.
6. getting pics and videos of the kids when we are away.
7. lots of pillows.
8. putting glasses on after you’ve cleaned the lenses.
9. drinks that come with fun straws.
10. buying two new of my favorite pens because the old ones ran out. and because the price dropped. remember how i am not buying anything for a whole year? buying a new pen was a big deal! i’ve been meaning to get to an update post on this crazy no spending journey…it’s coming soon i promise!
#5, beating the gps, is a daily goal of mine!