1. feeling like i am making money as i shop the clearance racks for next year’s clothes. {more on how you can spend less on kids clothes – and yours – in LITTLE favorites organizing.}
2. being able to send the kids outside.
3. actually doing legos with E, instead of using them as an activity to occupy him while i get stuff done.
4. starting the book For the Love by Jen Hatmaker, and laughing out loud at every page.
5. picking up both twins at once.
6. unexpected free time when a meeting got rescheduled.
7. the valentine’s m & m’s i finally opened last night and haven’t closed since.
8. E and K stopping to roll down this little hill on our walk, and laughing and carrying on as if it was something huge.
9. clearing off the basement stairs.
10. all of us on the couch sitting together to watch the disney 60 year celebration we dvr’ed earlier in the week.