1. the oven light and the minutes E and K spend like this, staring in wonder.
2. watching E, so excited and confident as he helped me hand out fliers after mass.
3. making my bed and putting the pillows on.
4. booking a flight to go see our friends in connecticut.
5. when running errands with the kids is over.
6. watching the oscars and texting with my sister and brother-in-law throughout.
7. the theme song from muana.
8. going on a walk with my sister.
9. random hugs from my nephews.
10. sunday night pizza night.
1. Friends planning a trip to visit!
2. Puppet shows
3. Listening to the waves crash on the rocks.
4. Family picinics
5. Running into the same family 3 times in one weekend! Thank you God for planning play dates for us!
6. Watching a new walker, walking
7. The kids “sending ” each other mail under their doors
8. Spending much needed time with my hubby
9. Checking things off my long ignored to do list
10. Sun on my face