1. kid writing {can you read the basement door sign above, written by my son and his friend?}
2. first birthday parties.
3. watching a baby eat sugar for the first time.
4. getting a painting project started – the hardest part in my opinion.
5. popping popcorn with the kids and watching a movie after dinner, even though the to do list was still long.
6. seeing a friend with her cute little belly for the first time since finding out she was pregnant.
7. bagel bites.
8. getting to a store just in time before it closes.
9. really cold diet coke and that first sip.
10. my husband. seeing me overwhelmed with the thought of cooking and unpacking groceries, straightening the house, and preparing for the week, he poured me a glass of wine and told me to forget about dinner, he would make grilled cheese.