1. happy birthday to my cheerful, fun friend ashley!
2. fourth of july outfits. this is always one of our cutest pics from the year!
3. K’s bun. she wears her hair like this almost everyday and i love it.
4. taking a long, uninterrupted nap.
5. holiday weekends and having keven home.
6. celebrating my friend laura’s wedding, hanging with florida friends, and watching her groom as she walked down the aisle. i love weddings!
7. saying i was just going to watch 10 minutes of a bachelorette i recorded, and watching an hour.
8. watching E ride on the tube with my sister meghan, talking her ear off the whole time (and my sister always saying yes when he asks her to go with him).
9. glow sticks and the crazy amount of fun they provide the kids.
10. listening to the symphony play patriotic music as the sun goes down with all my family around me. nothing like it!