1. K memorizing stories and then reading them to me.
2. leaving a meeting to much warmer weather than when i arrived.
3. doing some work in the front garden and my neighbor stopping her own gardening to come over and hold the bag open so i could easily get rid of everything i was trimming.
4. being able to send the kids next door while we went to a meeting at school.
5. playing battleship as a family and in the middle K saying, ok, i need to go pretend bake something. it wasn’t really her kind of game.
6. reading all the LITTLE things from the 40 day challenge group.
7. mashed potatoes.
8. when your online coupon doesn’t work on the items you need so you cancel your cart and save your money.
9. using books as decor and feeling like joanna gaines.
10. looking up at the crucifix we have hanging over our door to bless us in and out.