1. making it to 20 weeks and a healthy baby report at our appointment. best best news!
2. K wanting to play school because she misses school.
3. E insisting on wearing a backwards hooded sweatshirt with the hood over his mouth to ninjanastics because he was sure it made him look like a ninja.
4. a new season of the bachelorette and a great excuse to get together with friends every week.
5. choosing a pair of sunglasses based on my mood.
6. movie previews.
7. working during normal work hours and relaxing after the kids go to bed.
8. leftovers for a no cooking night.
9. the lingering sparkles on our porch from our project yesterday.
10. K yelling, “mom!” down after bedtime and me yelling back up “what?!”, slightly exasperated, and her reply of, “i love you!”