1. fitting in an unplanned 20 minute workout first thing this morning.
2. my new aqua zip up hoodie that i’ve worn for two days in a row.
3. still laughing at the text conversation i had with my sister last night about all the tags on children’s clothes.
4. carving pumpkins and letting E have free reign on the face design this year {and K not understanding why we had to cut the pumpkin. she liked the face just drawn on.}
5. looking forward to a night off to run long overdue errands. thanks to my husband for holding down the fort.
6. long sleeves with thumb holes at the bottom to help keep my hands warm!
7. this big crafting mess turning into this cute halloween pictures banner. {see LITTLE favorites diy for more.}
8. kid’s halloween movies {in other words, the not scary ones}.
9. construction paper.
10. making myself another chai at 6:30pm.