1. the first day of MOMS group.
2. reading a book {getting past perfect} that just seems to say exactly what you need to hear.
3. walking to something instead of driving.
4. errands that are all in the same area so you can get them all done together.
5. the drive through book drop off at the library.
6. seeing our baby on the ultrasound screen and learning he/she is most likely average size {instead of a big baby like we’re used to}.
7. K telling me, “mom, do you think you could buy me a calendar. and then i could use the label maker. and i could make labels for all the days i have things to do like the baby shower and put them on the calendar.” so we printed a calendar. and she organized her four-year-old life while i organized shelves in E’s room. the apple doesn’t fall far…
8. no tears at the first day of pre-K drop off.
9. taking pictures of the kids on the front porch, something i imagine doing for years and years to come.
10. fall clothes – scarves and boots and long shirts. so cozy!