1. never ever remembering the order of the verses to frosty the snowman.
2. the peppermint bark that was supposed to be for my husband that i cannot stop eating.
3. E’s ear tube surgery truly taking 10 minutes and E walking into the appointment wearing his superhero cape.
4. kid’s jackets with little loops so they are easy for them to hang up.
5. playing in the woods.
6. 68 degrees in december. yes please!
7. K asking if i would decorate her bandaid.
8. christmas at the zoo {and surviving the two hour traffic line to get in}.
9. parking in the garage.
10. having a guest room we can sleep in when the chirping smoke alarm in our room just needs to wait till tomorrow.
Red, green and white non-pareil sprinkles. Or just non-pareils in general!