1. again, the kindness elves. such a morning booster!
2. filling out forms. for some weird reason i don’t mind this task.
3. meeting a new baby for the first time {welcome to the world baby nolan!}.
4. the rare occasion when the pillows are situated correctly on the couch.
5. adele’s new album.
6. the rockefeller tree lighting ceremony, complete with hot cocoa in our child sized mugs. magic.
7. the kids and i staging our own performance along with the rockettes. who can resist trying out that leg kick?
8. hoosier basketball {and hearing someone’s height at 6’10” – that is crazy tall}.
9. long battery life.
10. at least three of the things i needed at costco today being on sale.
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Maybe you’re saving it for a special top 10 of 2015, but I’ve been wondering when my and Ethan’s Thanksgiving circus performance is going to make the list? I think that’s where #7 originated, only seems right to give it a shout-out.
oh pardon me. i didn’t realize you were trying to gain recognition for your show. i will make the appropriate changes now to note the performance. it was grand. please see november 26th for said shout out.