1. st. nicholas day and all the excitement around presents in shoes.
2. my daughter loving all things baby related and therefore loving the song, baby it’s cold outside because she thinks they are talking about an actual baby.
3. today at church, singing hosannah in the highest, and hearing E say, “lasagna? lasagna? chicken lasagna?” i could not help myself from laughing to the point that my husband gave me “the look.”
4. time in the target line to add cartwheel deals.
5. the target line, all by myself, no kids {and letting someone with kids go before me}.
6. winning this year’s gingerbread house decorating contest. for more on this 29 year tradition, visit LITTLE elaborations.
7. my sister meghan’s baking skills {tonight – oreo truffles and peanut butter chocolate squares} and the to-go container i snuck home for tomorrow.
8. just going to bed without thinking about all the things i should prepare for tomorrow.
9. saying a rosary novena. powerful powerful prayers.
10. the do not disturb feature on my phone.
This isn’t my LITTLE thing, but I love this line in the LITTLE elaborations: “i think it was my side gardens that pushed the voting my way.” HA! Congrats on the win, friend!
Not being able to fall asleep until much later than planned but not feeling too tired the next day