1. seeing a cardinal.
2. free bullseye shipping on target.com.
3. zappos.com customer service – my new favorite website – such friendly help and very low shipping on everything.
4. requesting that keven switch to view the bachelor during football commercial breaks.
5. forwarding our weekly baby update on to our family and reading their responses and excitement.
6. when it is pouring down rain and you have OFF FOR THE DAY so you dont have to leave the house!
7. instant vanilla pudding.
8. the way lots of baby clothes all fit into one load of laundry.
9. being able to go watch keven play because i could sleep in today.
10. talking to molly, overseas, on google chat – crazy that she is across the ocean!
Molly says
the LITTLE things (about Rome)
1. Cobblestone streets. Sure, they’re a pain to walk on, but so cute and just think how many people have walked on them!
2. “Italian time” which means that you can be a half hour late to work and no one cares
3. Meeting lots of new people from all over the world (my closest friends so far are from India, U.S., Switzerland, and France!)
4. How sonmeone in my office (I’m pretty sure it was Marco) put a post-it on the thermostat by my desk that says “Molly’s always cold, keep it warm”
5. Being referred to as a “Yank”
6. THE FOOOOOOD and how no one here eats a slice of pizza, you order a pizza, you eat the whole thing
7. Being able to run into an ancient ruin, church, fountain, or plaza on almost ever corner
8. The number of breaks that people take during the day (you have breakfast break, morning coffee break, cigarette break #1, lunch, afternoon coffee break, cigarette break #2, and work-is-almost-over-so-let’s-take-a-break break)
9. The fact that any time anyone in my office asks me to do something, they feel really bad about it, as if I’m not here to do work for them!
10. Wearing whatever I want, wherever I want, and not caring who sees me
Miss you all!