1. happy anniversary sara and david!
2. stopping on an i love lucy rerun and cracking up.
3. my sister molly inspiring me to start a new painting project.
4. thinking you are going to have to work all day but getting out early.
5. watching someone ride a skateboard well because i know i could never do it.
6. working together on something.
7. people with well-styled side bangs, something else that i will never be able to do.
8. a clean porch and a husband who was willing to clean it, despite the danger of all the wasps!
9. sour patch kids.
10. remembering to put a pony tail holder in your pocket just in case.
Molly says
1. Thunderstorms during the day
2. Free workout classes (today I’m going to yoga)
3. Pandora radio
4. Thinking of new hairstyles
5. Soccer players
6. Drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water in a day, a rare, yet satisfying accomplishment
7. Looking forward to Meggie coming home this weekend
8. Guilty pleasure TV (Bachelorette-Team Chris)
9. Making up a recipe that turns out well
10. Text messages that make me laugh out loud at work–so obvious I’m not on task!