1. waking up in the home where you grew up.
2. driving a rental car.
3. being able to join in a lunch break out with friends (thanks jenny and sara).
4. watching a friend’s baby bump grow.
5. making guesses as to whether a baby is a boy or a girl.
6. the marked friendliness of people in the midwest – especially indianapolis.
7. E wearing his cute little colts hat.
8. listening as a friend tells others she is expecting.
9. trying a new food.
10. half lemonade/half iced tea – delish!
1. Discovering encouragement (this blog) when you need it most (thank you Erin, via Denise!)
2. Friends still being there for you after an absence
3. The breeze you feel while rollerblading
4. Sunburn that turns to tan
5. Doing the right thing when it’s the inconvenient thing
6. clean towels
7. Swimming in a pool that doesn’t yet feel like bathwater
8. Recycling old magazines
9. childhood pictures
10. sunshine
1. Yah for Erin’s computer being fixed! Little Things are back!!!
2. Trip that refreshes you! oh how I LOVE Nashville!
3. Game nights, it’s such a fun thing for families to do together.
4. Hanging out with other brides to be! I have never been so girly and I love it. Thangs Meg and Jennifer.
5. My amazing group of bridesmaids, you are all so supportive.
6. Having a baby fall asleep on you. It would melt the toughest of hearts.
7. Anything home made with love!
8. The reese peanut butter minis – ummm thank you world!
9. Canada Day! Even from another country! Yes I’m wearing my maple leaf shirt, drinking out of my Keith’s glass, and listening to Tragically Hip!!!!!
10. Talking to Maura and Neilie about GRADING DAY! Hello grade 1!