1. reading the message below on a blog i follow.
2. eggs. so many ways to prepare them. they even pass as dinner in this house!
3. telling E i was sorry he didn’t have any “crazy” socks for spirit day and him saying, “don’t worry mom, just get me some markers and some white socks and i will make them crazy!” problem solved by a four year old.
4. packing practically the same things for this weekend as i did for last weekend – saves thinking.
5. having two out of three floors in my house straightened at the same time.
6. looking forward to quiet time every day at 1:00.
7. starbucks giftcards.
8. watching my kids work on a puzzle and figure it out.
9. getting in some quiet prayer time before the kids wake up and feeling better all day because of it.
10. headbands.