1. perfectly cracking an egg.
2. getting interrupted by a fun phone call from tristan.
3. my sisters always contributing their little things to this site
4. the pictures automatically loading when i plug my camera into the computer.
5. drinking juice in the morning.
6. cramming for book club like i used to cram for school.
7. our indiana university coasters from david.
8. quoting modern family lines with my family.
9. changing out the dishtowels.
10. when keven does the cleaning jobs i dont want to do like wiping out the refrigerator or spraying down the porch.
Cait & Joe says
1. Smores with reeses cups instead of hershey bars
2. Caramel apples
3. Staring at a campfire…could do it all night!
4. Burgers and hot dogs cooked over a campfire
5. Audiobooks in the car
6. Less than a month until Harry Potter 7 comes out in theaters
7. Colorful fall trees
8. Carved pumpkins
9. Video chat on gmail
10. Early halloween candy
Jenny Boling says
The smell of fall leaves and little kids jumping in them.
Molly says
2. Packing for Vacation
3. Talking with Mom about the benefits of a shoe bag (which we are NOT allowed to bring on this trip)
4. Canceled Classes
5. Standing up to try and discretely go to the bathroom in the middle of class then getting my foot caught in someone’s backpack, thus making a big commotion
6. Hats to cover up bad hair days
7. Daily emails from Dad
8. My professor taking the whole class out for Indian food tomorrow because we just finished reading a book (Midnight’s Children) about India
9. Taking a daily nap with my 2 roommates
10. Waking up from said nap to a fire alarm, which each of us, in our sleepy stupor, thought was our phone alarm. Then getting talked to by the fireman for taking too long to get outside (One of us had to put on pants, the other couldn’t find 2 shoes, and I was looking for my hat and hiding our forbidden candle)
Nicole says
1. The start of a new Bible study
2. A good friend surprising you by coming to work for lunch
3. The dogs having no “accidents” in the house!
4. Driving past a speed trap without getting pulled over
5. Your mother-in-law telling you how much she loves you
6. The feeling of peace you get laying next to your husband with your pup between you
7. The first sip from a glass of wine after a long day
8. The smell of a Christmas candle you light just because it reminds you of that happy time of year
9. Having four friends blessed with new babies
10. Being able to hop on a plane on a whim to celebrate one of your best friend’s 30th birthday!
Meghan says
1. New The LITTLE Things
2. Family emails!
3. Extra credit – even when you don’t really need it!
4. Molly and I bringing back old sayings – I’m bringing back BooYah and Molly is bringing back Boom-Shock-A-Locka (and both deciding to do this separately)
5. Set my alarm for 5 minutes later – feels like sleeping in!
6. TV date nights – Tuesday night Glee with some friends
7. Grocery sale ads
8. Getting nervous when my fish Doogie stops swimming for awhile and then breathing a sigh of relief when he swims again
9. Colorful highlighters that make your notes pretty
10. Getting out of class early!