1. celebrating the life of our beloved gammy.
2. E seeing my brother-in-law’s name on the caller id and being so excited realizing we share the same last name.
3. starting to tell K not to get her new shirt dirty but then changing my mind and telling her a dirty shirt means a fun day {and knowing E will definitely use this as his defense the next time he gets filthy}.
4. letting the kids eat the cookie dough we just made. if we’re going down, we’re going down happy.
5. oh my messy messy house. my house is a bit out of control in the messy department. especially all the clothes upstairs. but that means i played instead of cleaned. and that is ok.
6. a walk and dinner with my sisters.
7. the new running socks i splurged on {at tj maxx}.
8. playing play dough.
9. sitting with the other moms on our street while the kids play.
10. giving the kids lots of arts and crafts supplies and seeing what creations they come up with.