1. chelsea’s pumpkin squares…delicious!
2. carving pumpkins with chelsea and the honis family…complete with a dance party afterwards.
3. wearing my favorite black sweat pants.
4. nerds.
5. having a wonderful room mom who planned our party today.
6. picture mail on my phone.
7. succeeding in making my mom’s swiss cheese dip – thanks for the help cait.
8. when someone has the ingredients you don’t have for your recipe.
9. remembering everything at the grocery store without a list.
10. anticipating the ten degree temperature drop tomorrow.
Nicole says
1. Chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes
2. Halloween candy
3. Ice cream and a glass of wine for dessert – love being a grown up!
4. The unconditional love of your dogs
5. An unexpected bouquet of roses
6. Watching your wedding video and remembering that amazing day
7. Watching your amazing husband when he isn’t paying attention
8. Asking God for good girlfriends, him delivering, and you realizing it
9. Finding out one of your best friend’s baby is compared to a butternut squash – so cute! (but why do they compare babies to vegetables and fruits???)
10. Climbing into bed with a fresh set of sheets