1. so many birthdays on the same day…happy birthday to laura, david, mary, and lucy – what a special day!
2. our jelly bean bag behavior incentive…works like a charm. {see LITTLE favorites parenting for more.}
3. bathroom and kitchen rugs fresh out of the dryer.
4. accidentally dipping my paintbrush right into my coffee while painting with the kids.
5. getting the whole house baby-proofed.
6. telling K she needed to wait for her milk till i was done working, and her taking matters into her own hands.
7. chevron.
8. homemade nachos.
9. going in to get my nephews up from their nap and their big, huge smiles.
10. relaxing and giving myself a break after the kids go to bed, sometimes the work can wait.
I LOVE seeing a “the LITTLE things” email in my inbox, and it is happening so frequently! I have my own little thing to add…
pumpkin swirl syrup back in season at dunkin’ donuts and thinking about MY pop pop joe the whole time I drink a dd coffee!