1. chilly weather in the morning, warm weather in the afternoon, chilly again at night – the perfect balance of temps.
2. practicing doing chores with E today and remembering my favorite parenting line from my aunt. for more on the crazy-fun adventure of raising boys and to learn my all time favorite parenting line, visit LITTLE favorites parenting.
3. babysitters right in the neighborhood.
4. going to the library by myself and just browsing and pulling any book that looks interesting {and my husband doing bedtime so i could have time to myself}.
5. listening to the kids entertain themselves.
6. seeing the message “receiver went into power saving mode due to 4 hours of inactivity” on my tv when i turned it on tonight. love when we don’t turn on the tv often.
7. my husband working from home. it’s nice to see him on and off throughout the day.
8. finally transferring that load from the washer to the dryer so i can stop thinking “ugh i need to put those clothes in the dryer.”
9. breaking out my candy cane lane christmas cookie tea because i have a cold and it sounded delicious.
10. my daily group texts with my college friends which keep me feeling normal when things seem crazy around here.