1. my dad calling me to tell me to check my spelling on the little things.
2. a wonderful, thoughtful, generous gift from my parents.
3. watching the colts and wearing my jersey.
4. football funday sunday at lisa’s with her outside tv.
5. hearing an owl.
6. running into ryan and devon in all sorts of random places lately.
7. adding lemon or lime to your drink.
8. finally throwing out the plant that is just not going to come back alive.
9. thinking about keven being a dad.
10. etrade commercials with the talking babies.
1. Looking forward to becoming a grandmother
2. Deciding what “grandma” name I want to be called
3. My new bike
4. Caitlin telling me to change my red and white shorts for the Colts/Giants game
5. Sunday morning coffee with Joe and the Sunday paper
6. Talking to my Mom (who goes by “Gram”)
7. Sunday pizza night
8. Daughters
9. Funny commercials
10. Cool shots of Indy during the Colts game