it is so easy to make THAT list. you know the one i am talking about. the list of all the things that aren’t going right at the moment. recently, i found myself starting to make THAT list:
- two weeks ago, when my dishwasher, hot water heater, and and tv all decided to stop working in the same week.
- daily, after i put my oldest kids on the bus, and reflect on my hectic morning with them.
- yesterday, when i hired a roofer to look at two water spots, and discovered there are actually spots in every room on our second floor.
when it seems like everything is going wrong at once, it’s easy to feel like we deserve to make THAT list. the everything-is-going-wrong list.
but it’s not very productive.
one of my favorite parts of hosting this blog is when a reader comments to say they’ve started viewing their day differently with the LITTLE things. i agree. it is a bit surprising that such a simple habit can make such a big difference.
so let’s encourage each other to view our days differently. before your mind goes to THAT list, consider first, the LITTLE things. the blessings and smiles that are always there in the hard when we take the time to notice.
my leaky roof? well, at least i had a roofer to call right away. no time wasted researching someone reliable. he was able to come out immediately. and the whole roof doesn’t need to be replaced. just the ridgeline. there’s no mold, so we don’t have that cost, and i can take as long as i want to repaint the ceilings as long as the leaking stops. see? LITTLE things.
noticing the LITTLE things doesn’t change the fact that life can get a bit messy at times. but it certainly changes our mood. and our approach. our outlook. our ability to cope with the hard.
what is something really really hard/frustrating/disappointing/unexpected/sad that happened to you this week? and what LITTLE thing{s} can you notice despite that seemingly bigger thing?
i can’t wait for you to join in this new but first, LITTLE things mentality. you can sign up for weekly reminders here. before you make THAT list, think of a LITTLE thing first. and if you start to make THAT list anyways, bring yourself back to the LITTLE things, no matter how many times you have to remind yourself.
share your LITTLE things throughout the week in the post comments and join our facebook page. invite a friend along too! because it’s easier {and more fun} when we are making this list together.
did you stumble upon this post and you’re not sure what the LITTLE things are all about? click here. you’ll be caught up in no time. i can’t wait to have you along, noticing more happy in your day!
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