what are your thoughts on resolutions? i have always been a bit unsure about them. i’ve really only made one resolution. ever. and it is still a work in progress {as you can see here}. i like the idea of resolutions. and i want to want to make them. {i want you to want to do the dishes. anyone?} i am all about self improvement. and goals. especially if they are color coded.
i love the hopeful feeling of a new year. a clean slate. i agree that it’s a good time to reflect and think about what we want for ourselves and our families. so what is my problem?
i’ve been thinking about that. if i really dig deep about why i don’t usually make a resolution, i have to say it’s because when i try to think of one resolution, it turns into a list.
and i am afraid of that list.
when i list all the things i wish i was doing better, i feel defeated before i even start. because here’s what my list looks like:
- wake up earlier
- go to bed earlier
- pray every morning
- lose baby weight
- meal plan, weekly
- write more
- play with the kids more
- read more
- spend less money
- keep up with laundry
- argue less
- rush less
- keep my pictures more organized on the computer
- keep clutter at bay {i.e. get rid of half the stuff we own}
- stop rushing and shouting orders every time we try to get out the door to go somewhere
THAT is the list i came up with in less than two minutes. imagine if i thought about it for longer. no thanks.
at least, that is what i used to think. THAT is where i usually quit or thankfully get interrupted. someone can’t find a sock and has no idea how all that water got on the floor, or i need to squeeze in a two-minute shower before sofia the first is over.
however, today i made myself this handy printable {grab your own copy here}. there is something about getting things down on paper! especially if it is cute paper. because here’s the thing.
fear is a pesky thing. for me, it masks itself as a lot of other things. before right now, i never would have told you i was afraid of making a resolution. i would have just said i don’t have time. the list is too long. i’m busy, i don’t want to jump on the band wagon, i make changes all the time, every day, i don’t need january 1st as inspiration. and resolutions don’t work anyways.
but the truth really is i just think i am scared i will pick the wrong resolution. or i won’t be able to do it.
this year, something. something is different. since before new year’s even, i’ve been thinking, if i WAS going to make a resolution what would it be? weird. why can’t i get this off my mind? maybe it’s that i keep hearing everyone else talking about resolutions or their word of the year. word of the year? {more on choosing a word of the year in the next post}.
so after thinking and praying about this on and off for the past seventeen days {i let myself off the hook for coming up with a resolution by january 1st}, i’ve finally decided i’m going to do it this year. make a resolution. and the one on my heart still surprises me.
want to know what it is?
no spending.
the reason this surprises me is i don’t feel like i spend a lot to begin with. i consider myself a master of the sale rack. a price comparer extraordinaire. normally i might even lean toward a resolution that has me actually spending money. home improvement, organization, something with my kids.
but God clearly knows something i don’t {as usual} and He must have other plans for me this year. i am quite sure He’s been keeping this whole idea of resolutions on my heart and gracing me time to actually think about them. like now. miraculously, here i sit uninterrupted at my computer with time to think and write about this. the big kids are back to school {and all the moms said amen} and sweet C is snoozing in her car seat. she is here next to me. not in the car by the way.
at first, i tried to reason with God. this is what fear sounded like:
are you sure this is the resolution for me? it doesn’t make a lot of sense. i mean. maybe i do order things weekly on amazon but that’s because it is cold and i have a newborn and i don’t want to go out. and remember? i don’t really make resolutions? why this resolution, and why this year?
maybe you do this too. try to reason your way out of making a resolution or other changes God might be placing on your heart. have you ever just gone for it? i am going to try.
so no spending. what does that mean?
that’s a good question for any resolution. reasonable guidelines are important.
for me, i’ve decided that means no spending on myself or my home {homegoods and lowes might be sad about this}. when i first considered this, i immediately started thinking of all the reasons this wouldn’t work. insert eye roll. but, like i said, i couldn’t get it off my mind and as i’ve considered this for the past seventeen days, i’ve settled on some realistic parameters.
groceries are obviously ok to buy. and i decided items of self care are ok. for example, face wash, toothpaste, contact solution, etc. no one wants me to stop buying deodorant. also, the kiddos might not always have the right sized clothes for the upcoming seasons. reasonably, i might have to buy them some weather appropriate things. but no buying extras just because they are to die for cute at target. finally, i am allowing myself to go to lunch or coffee with friends, but not by myself, unless i have a gift card.
now. i am sure i will come upon things i haven’t planned for yet as i get deeper into this. i am going to take this resolution three months at a time, reevaluating in april, july, and october. {i wrote these dates on my printable!}
surprisingly, i am very excited to get started! grab your printable and get excited about your resolution too!
what are your thoughts on resolutions? i’d love to hear in the comments below. to continue to follow these adventures in no spending {and perhaps start a no spending challenge of your own} click here.
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{want to save this idea for later? click the red save box on the image below to pin this post. or follow notice the LITTLE things on pinterest here.}
Wow!! good for you; anxious to hear about and learn, but sounds way too difficult for me. Hoping to be inspired!!
ha! thanks. i will let you know. so far, surprisingly, it is much easier than i thought!
:: erin ::