Do your mornings feel rushed, hectic, and like you’re entire job is to convince small humans to do things they don’t want to do? In this post, learn the 2 things (yes, only 2!) you need to go from stressed and overwhelmed to on top of it and under control! Get ready for easier school mornings (and even afternoons!) with kids!
lately, if you’ve found yourself wondering (or googling!) things like:
- how do you make mornings less stressful with kids?
- how can i have a better morning with my kids?
- how do i get my kids ready for school in the morning?
- how do i get out the door faster in the mornings?
you are going to love these 2 game changing secrets to an easier morning with kids! but first for just a minute can we agree on one thing…
Mornings with kids can be tough.
maybe you dread the morning because you just know you’re going to have to say the same things, fight the same battles, dish out the same reminders, and hurry hurry hurry to get people moving and out the door?
and you just wish mornings could be more about spending some extra uncomplicated, meaningful moments with your kids as you send them off for the day and less like wrestling an alligator while running a marathon and arguing the case of your life in front of the world’s most stubborn jury?
or maybe you’re a morning person, your mornings are pretty calm, or you don’t mind reminding, but you’d love to encourage independence and teach good time management skills!!
Yes, Mama! Let’s do this!

what if i told you the secret to an easier morning with kids (plus independence and good time management skills) involves just 2 things, and that allllllll the hard work was already done for you!
would you CLICK THAT EASY BUTTON right now?!
GOOD NEWS…there are just 2 secrets to having an easier morning with kids:
- a simple morning routine
- a morning routine checklist
EVEN BETTER NEWS…(really, truly, the BEST NEWS!)…the School Day Sanity Saver Pack was created especially for Moms, doing their best to send kids out the door and off to school feeling like the time was well spent (instead of rushed, hurried, and hectic). PLUS…it’s on a super, crazy good sale until midnight tonight!
this lifesaving School Day Sanity Saver Pack centers around the 2 things you need for smoother mornings (and calmer afternoons!) – a routine and a checklist!
this pack was created especially for Moms because it is not easy getting kids out the door for anything, especially school. in our house, my kids are in three different schools, with three different start times. before i sat down to make a plan and create the Smoother Morning resources in the School Day Sanity Saver Pack, it felt like all i did allllllll morning was get kids to school.
And I was hearing the same thing from all my friends and readers!

for our mornings, before the School Day Sanity Saver Pack everyone needed help, reminders, repeating, and constant attention to move through the morning’s tasks. if i turned around or tried to do anything else, suddenly we were 10 minutes behind and likely to miss the bus! not to mention it was 10:00 before i could even start working, and i was already exhausted and behind.
Something had to be done.
as i talked to my dearest friends, my sisters, my neighbors and even as i scrolled social media, it was clear that i was not the only one having trouble in the morning with my kids. so i got to work doing one of my very favorite things…creating a plan with fun, pretty printables (and digital versions) to save my own family’s sanity plus yours because as Moms, we are all in this together!
What resulted was the popular School Day Sanity Saver Pack!
this game changing Pack is divided into 4 parts – Smoother Mornings, Calmer Afternoons, Sanity Saving Extras, and Free Bonuses. you can learn all about the other parts RIGHT HERE but for now, let’s focus on how these one-of-a kind resources will lead to an EASIER MORNING WITH YOUR KIDS…
here’s what’s included to help you accomplish SMOOTHER MORNINGS:
- 3 Steps to Organize School Clothes. Save time and arguing every morning with these practical, doable tips!
- Smooth Morning Routine Checklists. Cut down on reminders and repeating yourself and get everything done before it is time to leave (without feeling like you just ran a marathon)!
- Smooth Morning Lunch Plan. Make decisions about school lunches ahead of time – no more scrambling at the last minute!
- Get Out the Door Before-School Activity Checklist. Help your kids remember all the essentials and be ready on time for their before-school activities.
here’s a sneak peek inside
(and remember, each resource comes with an explanation + real-life examples so you can see them in action. the examples are my family’s EXACT lists, to help you brainstorm and make it as easy as possible for you to get started with the goodies in this Pack!)
alrighty Mama, get excited for smoother mornings (AND calmer afternoons). all the hard work is done for you RIGHT HERE with everything you need to personalize a simple morning routine and a morning routine checklist (plus the same for the afternoon!!!).
i can’t wait to hear all about the time you save and the new ways you are able to connect with your kids in the morning!

Save Time Every Morning With This Easy Way to Organize Kids Clothes
Set Up a Sanity-Saving After School Routine for Kids in 5 Easy Steps (Including Printable After School Checklist)
3 Simple Tips for an Easier Afternoon with Kids
How to Organize School Papers the Easy Way
want to save this post to refer to later? save this image to pinterest and you’ll be all set!