meet E.
six years ago today, this guy entered the world. all 9 pounds 10 ounces of him. and as so many told us would happen, our hearts were forever changed.
i’d always imagined what my life would be like with kids. E made all those thoughts a reality. some of the things i pictured, like dressing him in perfectly matched clothes with layers and buttons and coordinating shoes, never happened. neither did washing my hair more than once a week. but so many other things i imagined were better than i ever thought they’d be.
when i think of E’s first days, i think mostly of looking at him, singing to him, trying to calm him, change him, figure him out. and then doing it all over again the next day. i think of how the word busy took on a whole new definition where at once i could feel like i was doing absolutely nothing and also 97 things. all different things than i had ever done before.
when i reflect on our present days, i realize i am still doing many of the things i did in those first days. looking at him, singing with him {not well, but still we sing}, trying to calm him, keep him dressed appropriately, figure him out. add to that teaching him how to navigate his faith, relationships, reactions, and independence. how to learn, be creative, have fun, and show kindness even when it is hard. and then doing it all again the next day.
this guy. this six year old. how can i even begin to put him into words. E is empathetic. really empathetic. in a way i can hardly understand. he is curious. he is a born negotiator. his imagination runs wild and he believes in things i might have seen as impossible without him around. his memory defies reason, except when we’ve asked him to clean his room. he loves bugs, worms, football, starwars, legos, school, his sister, elastic pants, and being surrounded by friends. i’ll never know why i got so lucky to be his mom but i will forever thank God for the gift of our E. and he is sharing on the blog today, much to his excitement, for
ntlt friday friends
welcome E!
here is E’s list for 2.17.17
1. coming home.
2. earning extra ipad minutes.
3. realizing my cough is gone.
4. finding a lego piece.
5. when i get a WOW in school.
6. my mom telling me there was a new kid’s cooking show on.
7. eating my treat in my lunch.
8. when we go to the computer lab.
9. when my mom says it’s warm out.
10. being so close to being in first grade.
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Sweetest Little Things ever!!