meet kelly.
growing up, she was always just a LITTLE bit cooler than me. a LITTLE bit more stylish {except when we dressed alike}. always more tan. taller. way more funny. definitely a better dancer.
and we were inseparable.
we had this secret code because neither of our mom’s would let us ask if the other could eat dinner or spend the night in front of the person. did you have that rule? apparently, it was rude. but we had a code. if you held up two fingers, it meant leave the room because i am about to ask my mom if you can stay for dinner. three fingers meant a possible sleepover.
we used to ride our bikes to the mall to go to the candy store. we had to go through the neighborhood, cross two busy streets, and what i promise you felt like seven miles of soccer fields. this was no easy feat, especially if they had just aerated the fields. but the triumph of one big-as-your-fist jawbreaker or pound of sourballs from mr. bulky’s was well worth the way i can only imagine we looked when we arrived at the mall.
roller hockey in the dead end, ghost in the graveyard, spying on her older siblings, countless hours playing in the pool, basketball in the driveway, softball games at st. albans, putting on neighborhood talent shows, the jumprope team, playing egyptian head slap on the bus, recording the weekend countdown on 8-tracks and fast forwarding through the commercials. those were the days.
it’s been a long time since we’ve lived in the same state. but life has a way of bringing us together again and again. most recently, we learned we are due just 13 days apart. sharing yet another milestone is just one of the things that shrinks the distance between our friendship.
kelly is hilarious. she is brave, serving our country here and overseas. she is an amazing cook, so creative, loves her doggies, her husband, and her family. she will always be that friend that has always been a friend. i am so thankful for her and thrilled she is sharing today for…
ntlt friday friends
welcome kelly!
here is kelly’s list for 5.5.17
1. being pregnant at the same time as my best friend erin and getting to share in the blessing with her.
2. non guilty naps…building a baby is hard work.
3. a good pedicure with a foot rub.
4. feeling my little man kick in my belly.
5. cold watermelon and fresh berries.
6. intentionally aligning my goals with my roles.
7. drug reps bringing food to work when you forgot your lunch.
8. seeing your airman succeed and knowing you had a small part in it.
9. drinking starbucks with your best friend and finishing each other’s sentences.
10. laughing so hard your belly shakes and your eyes water.
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Oh I love these memories. I never did catch onto your two and three finger signals, did I? Love your little things, Kelly! And love and miss you! We were so blessed in that neighborhood. You and Erin shared so many good times together. You are a big part of our family memories. Hopefully yours and Erin’s babies will be blessed with the same bond! Love to you both!
I remember those days! They were some of the best! I cherish the memories of our old neighborhood and am so happy we have all remained friends.. Glad you and Kelly have remained friends, too. Thanks to you both for sharing!