meet my cousin mae.
i just got done reading mae’s list. the one you will read in just a minute down below. truly i am just sitting here in awe that it would even be on her radar to make a LITTLE things list. mae is in college. now, i realize i am generalizing here, but when i think of college students {or myself in college}, i think of sleeping in, studying, socializing, going to someone’s room to avoid studying, more socializing, planning an outfit for later that night, and wondering what’s for lunch. don’t get me wrong. i had some spots of maturity in college. but mae just seems like she is on a whole different level.
my sisters and i used to comment on how old mae acted for her age. in a good way. she was younger, but like many of our other cousins, she was easy to talk to, easy to relate to, funny, friendly, positive, and incredibly well spoken.
mae has lived her whole entire life in new york city. i go to new york for a weekend and i can barely get through the subway turnstile. she navigates this seemingly complicated, totally-different-from-mine world and honestly? i just think she’s really cool.
admittedly, i cannot even begin to properly write about mae’s musical talents {as i have none}. but i can say i am transfixed by every youtube video of her posted on facebook and any attachment sent on a family email thread. mae is also a talented violinist, and she gives lessons in her spare time. i don’t think i’ve ever seen mae just sit and enjoy a family wedding. she is always asked to either sing or play the violin. check out some links to her performances below.
as i mentioned before, mae is in college. she attends NYU where she studies theater. and she follows the LITTLE things blog. not that blogs were even a thing when i was in college, but still, she is for sure my youngest follower, not to mention one of the LITTLE thing’s most genuine supporters. she does things already in college that have taken me years to figure out.
mae just seems to get it. she has her priorities straight. she is mature, kind, selfless, faith-filled, fun, smart, and adventurous…and she’s sharing her list of 10 LITTLE things today for
ntlt friday friends
welcome mae! thank you for noticing and sharing.
here is mae’s list for 12.2.16
1. the way the lights of cars, street lights, and shop lights, etc. seem to reflect and bounce off the street at night when it rains.
2. the salvation army bells on the streets of NYC. i can hear them from far away, and they bring a smile to my face as i remember the season and hear the christmas music that usually accompanies them.
3. simple, spontaneous phone calls with friends, even when we don’t talk about anything important, but simply catch up or chat.
4. listening to stevie wonder on the train {subsequently having to curb the urge to dance right there on the subway} and feeling like i can take on the day.
5. being thanked again for something small that i did a couple weeks ago.
6. sleeping in and still getting some work done before my afternoon class.
7. strings of lights in windows of buildings, shop windows, or hung on trees in the city.
8. being required to wear comfortable movement clothes {aka t-shirts and yoga pants or leggings} to school on acting days. it makes getting ready really easy, especially when i wake up late, and it’s raining, and i don’t feel like putting much thought into what i look like.
9. my mom patiently helping me through an email to an organization about an internship.
10. having a laugh with another college student {someone who i don’t know} on the street, after i obliviously stepped through a puddle that was deeper than what my boots could protect me from. quickly laughing about it made me immediately see the situation as something that was unfortunate, but really not the end of the world.
if you want to stay in touch with the LITTLE things, subscribe with your name and email and don’t miss a post. want to see mae’s amazing musical talents…click here or here and turn up your volume!
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Denise says
Mae, you rock! Love, Aunt Denise