meet my friend mandy.
“hi. this is mandy. my son, C, talks about your son E all the time. i wondered if you might want to get together for a play date.”
“oh my gosh,” i thought, “our first school friend! yes. of course. we’d love to.”
i kind of always wondered how this would go. we have our neighborhood friends. and our friends’ kids friends. but when E started pre-school, i wondered when the whole school friends thing would happen. the thing is, no one would describe me as shy. but truthfully, i don’t think i was ever going to be the person to initiate the first school friend playdate. it was all just so new, even the school part.
thank goodness mandy took the lead. i was glad when she called, for many reasons. i was thrilled other kids liked my son. ha! he’d never had a problem with this but still. the reassurance was nice. i was happy to know at least one other person at the school. any it was always nice to make new friends who were exactly E’s age. we set a date to play at her house.
i think C and E said about 9 words to each other on that play date. they were still in the playing-next-to-you -but-not-with-you stage. but mandy and i hit it off and there was born our friendship. she was my first school friend mom friend. but now, she’s just my friend friend.
mandy has a big, friendly smile, she is outgoing, helpful, engaging, easy to talk to, real, normal, crafty, super good at french braiding, and just always happy and fun…and she’s sharing her LITTLE things today for
ntlt friday friends
welcome mandy! thank you for noticing and sharing.
here is mandy’s list for 11.11.16
1. happy baby grins that show of N’s one tooth.
2. single servings of guacamole.
3. a spa weekend with my mom to celebrate her birthday.
4. waiting on my 5-year-old to finish coloring pictures for each of our friends before we go to their house.
5. kids sleeping in their own beds all night.
6. talking to my oldest, best friend which only happens every three months or so.
7. my boys playing and jumping in leaf piles, even if the piles are so very small.
8. my happy fall y’all decor. reminds me of texas.
9. fall and christmas essential oil blends in my diffuser.
10. daylight savings time meaning my kids are in bed early and my husband and i can actually have a few minutes to hang out together.
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