1. new make up. when the container is still shiny and nothing is cracked or messy. {i know. my new year’s resolution is not to buying anything. but self care is allowed and i bought elf brand at target. very inexpensive. so i felt ok about it.}
2. happy birthday to thomas v, one of the cutest, friendliest, most outgoing LITTLE guys i know!
3. playing outside. this could be #1-10 on my LITTLE things list today. we are outside people and a 72 degree day in february is unheard of. we played way too late and ate dinner way too late and got to bed way too late but it was worth it!
4. my sister meghan texting me on monday to tell me there were two #2’s on my LITTLE things list so i had actually written eleven LITTLE things. bonus!
5. wiping down my phone with a wipe.
6. a nice text from my husband for no reason.
7. reading with the kids at night.
8. pressing start on the dishwasher because that means the kitchen is clean for the night.
9. the sound of rain as i go to bed. it has been raining here A LOT lately. i just keep telling myself that means a green spring.
10. almost taking our flannel sheets back because i didn’t think they would match well, but deciding to keep them because they were on super sale {in december}. now when i crawl into bed they are my favorite!