now that christmas is over, new year’s is the big talk. not a fan of resolutions? me neither. join me for the new year’s 10 by 10 challenge instead. it only lasts 10 days, doesn’t cost a thing, you get cute FREE printables, and sign up is easy.
out of reasons not to try it? great. here are the details.
sign up
{1} like notice the LITTLE things on facebook and message to let me know you’d like to participate.
{2} subscribe to the blog to receive your FREE 10 by 10 challenge printable. to subscribe, enter your name and email here. you’ll receive an email with a link to confirm your subscription. sometimes this gets sent to spam. check your spam folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox. once confirmed, you’ll receive a link to the printables. {already a LITTLE subscriber? message me with your email and i will send you a link.}
{3} encourage a friend to play. let’s be honest, an accountability partner is always a good thing. ask a friend to join you for the 10 by 10 challenge by emailing them this link :
use your 10 by 10 printables to guide your progress. starting january 1st, pay attention to any LITTLE happenings in your day that make you stop, smile, and thank God for the gift of your day. then write them down. super easy. here’s how you can work up to 10 LITTLE things by the 10th of the month…
january 1st :: notice one LITTLE thing that made you stop, smile, and appreciate the gift of your day. use the space on your printable to write down your LITTLE thing.
january 2nd :: notice two LITTLE things that made you stop and smile. write them down on the printable you downloaded.
january 3rd :: notice three LITTLE things and use your printable to list them.
catching on to the pattern? write four on the 4th, five on the 5th, and so on. use your printables as a guide. need some inspiration? visit the blog. there are thousands of LITTLE examples. by january 10th, you’ll have worked your way up to 10 LITTLE things, all in one day.
10 LITTLE things by the 10th of the month!
what’s in it for you?
noticing the LITTLE things is a daily routine that will help you focus on the happy that is already there in your day. it’s probably just hidden by the crazy-busy, commitments, and chaos. the 10 by 10 challenge is a great way to start off the new year.
you don’t have to add anything, give anything up, or do anything extra for this LITTLE routine. you just have to pause to notice the LITTLE joys God has already placed in your life. they are there for everyone, even on the hardest days. it just takes a good plan to help you rise above the crazy-busy and notice.
you’ve got the plan…see you on the 1st!
subscribe here to get started.
I’d like to start… can you send me the link? Thanks!
emailing you now. can’t wait to have you join!