1. new frying pans with new non-stick surfaces.
2. mechanical pencils.
3. hearing the kids practice piano from their first lesson.
4. opening our newly organized medicine cabinet. and calling it a medicine cabinet even though it is probably more of a wineglass cabinet!
5. curling up with C on the couch when she’s up earlier than everyone, drinking milk {her} and coffee {me} and watching the news.
6. deciding to walk, even though it is snowing.
7. the perpetual game of monopoly out on our table. the mess drives me nuts. but the game playing makes me happy.
8. keven leaving his work to watch the kids for me so i could keep my tutoring appointments when our sitter was sick.
9. the number of times C asks for a snack in a day.
10. knowing this winter will not last forever. spring will eventually come.