1. using one of my favorite printables from the LITTLE printable library to get spaces organized for our family. if you haven’t visited the LITTLE free library in awhile, you might like what’s been added in the last couple weeks!
2. wearing a piece of jewelry i haven’t worn in awhile.
3. fake greenery around the house that makes me feel like spring is near.
4. listening to keven and E play battleship.
5. how C practices her music class songs all week long, doing the motions and saying her name and the words, and then gets to music class and is totally stone faced the entire time.
6. a random call from my friend beth in the middle of the day.
7. seeing before and after pictures of a friend’s home renovation.
8. being able to watch K tonight at gymnastics because the other kids were at home.
9. how cool my kids think it is to boss alexa around at my parents’ house.
10. running my essential oil diffuser with my favorite scent combination while i sat and worked this morning.