1. happy birthday to my longest childhood friend, kelly. all childhood thoughts of fun and shenanigans lead to you.
2. lunchbox napkin notes. and the fact that E told me to keep writing them this year. to read more about how i use these notes, visit LITTLE favorites.
3. first days of school and brave little kiddos, ready to face the world and a whole new day of new.
4. first day of school clothes, shoes, and backpacks. it is so funny the things kids pick to wear on their first days. i loved looking over everyone’s pictures and seeing personalities shine through.
5. receiving not one, but two bouquets of flowers. fresh flowers are an instant mood booster.
6. kind, loving, supportive friends and family. angels on earth.
7. when E walked off the bus with a smile.
8. slowly straightening the house, instead of the frantic way i usually straighten.
9. texting with my cousin kara.
10. passing down my american girl doll to K to day and the care and love she showed her new friend all day long.