1. looking at other peoples’ stockings. i feel like stockings always tell a story. that was my hope when i set out to make personalized stockings for our family a few years back. interested in the story behind them? check it out here.
2. the kids sleeping past 8.
3. singing oh come, oh come Emmanuel at church with the lights down low and the candles burning.
4. telling the kids they were in charge of prayers tonight and E praying for people who have diarrhea. that’s what i get. and then when i gave him the mom look, him saying “what? it’s going around.” i really wanted to laugh, but i kept it together. so now i am laughing. please note the difference between LITTLE thing #3 and LITTLE thing #4 in today’s list. if your day is not like this, i want to know how.
5. K asking me tonight if baker’s have to get married. when i said no, she determined that she wanted to be a baker when she grows up. i wonder what threw her from the path of becoming a mom and a teacher? i am sure that will be a funny tale for tomorrow.
6. wearing old sweatshirts.
7. staying in my church clothes all day because even though they were nice, they were comfy.
8. copper-colored things. they are all over homegoods and i love them, but they are expensive!
9. spilling red wine on my red christmas tablecloth and not worrying about it.
10. really really really good news from a friend.
Hilarious about the diahhrea and the baker.