1. happy birthday sara!
2. the variety of baked goods keeping cold on my parent’s back porch – white chocolate mix, oreo balls, peanut butter chocolate squares, peanut butter kiss cookies, reindeer belly buttons, and fudge all at our disposal.
3. afternoon coffee with mom.
4. plans to meet up with high school friends you don’t get to see often.
5. christmas morning and all the wrapping paper everywhere.
6. going through all your christmas presents again to remember what you received.
7. calling someone to thank them for a gift.
8. lunch with college friends and feeling like you were never apart.
9. a crowded house.
10. weighing yourself with your suitcase to make sure it will meet the weight requirement and the scale saying ERROR – probably not a good sign!
Denise says
1. Waking up with kids on Christmas morning! Aww the excitement!
2. My brothers Christmas breakfast! yum
3. My maple leaf mittens from the Olympics. Thanks mom!
4. Tim Hortons hot chocolate from my dad every morning.
5. Getting to talk to Steven’s mom on the phone while she is staying at Steven’s house!
6. Getting a present in the mail from Steven…you know me so well!!!
7. Seeing family I haven’t seen in years.
8. Watching my parents dog and my brothers cat figure each other out when they first see each other.
9. Sleeping in bunk-beds with my nieces Christmas Eve, they were so cute when they first woke up!
10. Videos messages from Nick!