1. the last day of the month because that means my budget starts all over tomorrow.
2. flights that take off on time.
3. dad treating caitlin and me to starbucks and then giving us each $10 to go out to ice cream in florida.
4. take your daughter to work day (even though you are in your twenties).
5. keven surprising us and coming into the airport to be there when we got off the tram.
6. welcome home notes and little presents from keven.
7. getting wine just to fill the wine rack.
8. new t shirts to cheer on your favorite final four team…go bulldogs!
9. friendship bracelets.
10. doing things you wouldn’t normally do because you are on vacation!
I’m going to try post at least a few everyday – I wasn’t great at the emailing but maybe I’ll be more motivated with your blog!
1. NO cavities at the dentist!
2. The Diet Coke at Einstein’s – it is the best fountain diet coke around!
3. Seeing friends you haven’t seen in awhile!
4. Windows down and radio blasting!
5. Seeing a cop on the side of the road and NOT getting pulled over even though you were kind of speeding
Love you!