what’s the best gift you’ve ever received? tough question, right? but i bet as you think about it, a select few are standing out. what is it about those few? well, most likely they fell into one of these three categories:
{1} something you really wanted
{2} something you really needed
{3} something unique and creative.
when it comes to buying teacher’s gifts, it’s hard to know exactly what your teacher wants or needs. i used to struggle with this. i would walk up and down aisles, put something in my cart, second guess myself, and put it back. or stare blankly at my amazon cart.
then i got smart and created these fun printables to take the guesswork out and give myself a break! now i send one of these to school with my child, his/her teacher fills it out, and i keep it on hand to use for christmas and end-of-the-year gifts. easy peasy. if you’d like a copy to make your life easier, click here. you’ll gain access to all sorts of fun printables to save you time, inspire creativity, and help you create a home where your family can grow and thrive.
after you know your teacher’s favorites, gift buying will be much easier! even so, when it comes to christmas and end-of-the-year gifts, it’s still hard not to go with the predictable option. predictable teachers gifts include candles, mugs, classroom supplies, plants, a picture of or made by your child, and baked goods. teachers get a lot of these things.
there’s nothing really wrong with predictable, but if you’re reading this you’re probably looking for something more creative. creative stands out. creative says you deserve something to treat yourself because you’ve been putting up with my child all. year. long. let’s be honest, that is NO EASY job, and teachers are SAINTS.
all that being said, here are my favorite creative, unique, fun and NOT PREDICTABLE teacher’s gifts. this season, they are organized by category:
{1} gifts that are easy to purchase at target
{2} gifts that are easy to purchase on amazon
{3} “best of” teacher gifts {ie all-time teacher gift favorites from past lists that impress every time!}
teacher’s gifts at target
the following three teacher gift ideas are easy to purchase in-store or online at target. they are also affordable, creative, and unique! i chose target to make your life easier because i think most people have one within 20 minutes of their home.
{1} cute clutch purse. it’s probably safe to say that most teachers carry around a big mom purse for most of their days. so a fun clutch purse would be a treat to use for special occasions! this is definitely an out-of-the box idea, but safe to say most any teacher will love!
{2} trendy magazine holder, filled with 3-4 magazines for a fun read over break! if you’re a mom, you know the value of time away from your kids. it makes you a better mom. and the more relaxing and mindless, the better. it’s the same way for teachers. teacher’s get time off for a GOOD reason. what better way to relax and unwind than a few magazines? i suggest real simple, magnolia, people, HGTV, or better homes and gardens.
{3} adorable door mat. i know. this one is going to be tough for your kindergartener to carry into school. you might have to drop it off. but how great is this message? especially for a teacher? plus, doormats are quite the thing these days. why not get one for your teacher? target has so many cute ones, but i loved the message on this one best and it is on sale right now! {i may or may not have just put it in my cart for myself.}
teacher’s gifts on amazon
the following three gifts from amazon have a distinct summer vibe. i couldn’t resist the bright colors and fun thoughts of water and warm weather. your teacher will feel the same way!
{1} colorful beach bag. don’t you want this bag? it is so fun! it actually comes in many patterns, so you can use your teacher’s favorites printable to help you pick the one your teacher will like best!
{2} beach/pool blankets. there are many color options for this particular gift, but the purple and yellow
one really stood out to me. plus, at less that $15, it is very affordable! it spreads out extra large and would be a definite upgrade from your typical beach towel.
{3} insulated mugs. yes, this kind of falls in the coffee mug category, but it is a far stretch from a mug with an apple and a ruler. who doesn’t love a good insulated mug? as a bonus, these are perfect for your male teachers, who probably don’t really want a beach blanket. we have a male teacher this year, and i am going the yeti route for our end-of-the year gift for him. my favorite options are were the coffee style yeti, the lowball rambler, and the one that sort of might maybe look like a wine glass. wink.
best of teacher’s gifts
in my research over the years, there are a few stand-out gifts that impress every time. they are included here in the “best of” teachers gift section!
{1} plum paper products. friends. i cannot say enough good about this company. the options for personalizing are endless! if you want any of these products, email me [email protected] and say “erin can i please have your referral code for plum paper?” i will send you a personalized link for 15% off your entire purchase! here are my favorites:
- i got personalized notebooks for all of our teachers for christmas this past year and got the best feedback! teachers need notebooks ALL THE TIME to bring to meetings. i put our teacher’s names on the front covers to make them extra special. they have great geometric designs that are perfect for male teachers too!
- i also got some of these cute daily planner and to do list notepads for our special area teachers at christmas. again, a crowd pleaser!
- i also have my eye on the stationary for next year when we have new teachers. you can personalize it, like everything else, to make it extra special.
{2} momentum jewelry. i love this jewelry! i first saw it on a friend and thought it looked so wearable, even if you’re not a jewelry person. each piece has a positive message, which surely resonates with teachers. i just ordered myself some personalized “notice the LITTLE things” wrap bracelets AND gifts for next year’s teachers. here are my very favorite products:
- i may or may not own multiple of their wrap bracelets. as a mom of three, jewelry isn’t high on my list of go-to’s in the morning. it’s the same for teachers. but these are so EASY to wear! and there are so many great. motivating, positive phrases! some of my favorites are “choose kind,” “live joyfully,” and now, “notice the LITTLE things!”
- their sparklets are also really fun. they are a cross between a hair tie and a bracelet. who doesn’t love something with multiple functions!
{3} i know gift cards might seem boring. but they are really loved by teachers. getting to splurge on a manicure, trip to nordstrom rack, amazon purchase, or hobby lobby project is fun! my friend alison at just add confetti has some super cute ideas and free printables to help make your gift cards look cute!
when it comes to teacher’s gifts, it’s fun to buy something you know will feel like a real treat. i cannot say enough about the way teachers pour their entire lives into their jobs. fun, unique, and creative gifts are such a mood booster and are a great way to show your teacher’s how much you appreciate them loving your kiddos while they are out of your care!
don’t forget to grab these fun teacher favorites printables to take the guesswork out of the process! and for more ideas, here are a few past posts on teacher gifts if you still need a bit more inspiration!
easy and affordable teacher’s gifts
best gifts for teachers, and what not to buy
*this post contains some affiliate links.
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